Startup Corner

Startup Corner - Raphaël Frank - SnT (Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust)

December 17, 2021 House of Startups Luxembourg Season 1 Episode 13
Startup Corner - Raphaël Frank - SnT (Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust)
Startup Corner
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Startup Corner
Startup Corner - Raphaël Frank - SnT (Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust)
Dec 17, 2021 Season 1 Episode 13
House of Startups Luxembourg

Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, autonom Fueren… Dat sinn Buzzwierder an d‘Zukunft vu muer. Mee déi „DeepTech“ Innovatioun muss entwéckelt ginn an dat geschitt och net vun haut op muer. Dës Projets erstinn oft duerch eng Zesummenaarbecht tëschent de privaten Entreprise an dem Staat. Hei am Land mecht den SnT de Lien tëschent der Recherche an Innovatioun um Terrain : De Raphaël Frank vum Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) verréit eis wéi d'Fuerscher dozou bäidroen d’Innovatioun z'entwéckelen an och wéi de SnT selwer eng eegen Startups grënnt.

De #StartupCorner ass e #Podcast op Lëtzebuergesch iwwert Startups an Innovatioun zu Lëtzebuerg, presentéiert vum House of Startups Luxembourg, mat der Ënnerstëtzung vun der Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce an dem #SCRIPT.


Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Autonomous Driving… These are buzzwords for the future of tomorrow. But this "DeepTech" innovation must be developed and it will not happen overnight. These projects are often created through a collaboration between private companies and the Government. In Luxembourg, the SnT makes the link between research and innovation in the field: Raphaël Frank from the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) tells us how researchers contribute to the development of innovation and also how the SnT founds their own startups.

The ‘Startup Corner’ is a monthly podcast in Luxembourgish about startups and innovation in Luxembourg, presented by the House of Startups powered by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and supported by the SCRIPT.

Show Notes

Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, autonom Fueren… Dat sinn Buzzwierder an d‘Zukunft vu muer. Mee déi „DeepTech“ Innovatioun muss entwéckelt ginn an dat geschitt och net vun haut op muer. Dës Projets erstinn oft duerch eng Zesummenaarbecht tëschent de privaten Entreprise an dem Staat. Hei am Land mecht den SnT de Lien tëschent der Recherche an Innovatioun um Terrain : De Raphaël Frank vum Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) verréit eis wéi d'Fuerscher dozou bäidroen d’Innovatioun z'entwéckelen an och wéi de SnT selwer eng eegen Startups grënnt.

De #StartupCorner ass e #Podcast op Lëtzebuergesch iwwert Startups an Innovatioun zu Lëtzebuerg, presentéiert vum House of Startups Luxembourg, mat der Ënnerstëtzung vun der Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce an dem #SCRIPT.


Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Autonomous Driving… These are buzzwords for the future of tomorrow. But this "DeepTech" innovation must be developed and it will not happen overnight. These projects are often created through a collaboration between private companies and the Government. In Luxembourg, the SnT makes the link between research and innovation in the field: Raphaël Frank from the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) tells us how researchers contribute to the development of innovation and also how the SnT founds their own startups.

The ‘Startup Corner’ is a monthly podcast in Luxembourgish about startups and innovation in Luxembourg, presented by the House of Startups powered by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and supported by the SCRIPT.